Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week of Monday 10/22-25th


Monday: Continue lesson 2-5; US Traditional Method on Multiplication/estimating HL: 2-7
(HL 2-5 needs 0-9 number cards*)

Tuesday: 2-6 Unit Conversions using multiplication HL: 2-6 (Try the Gizmo on Unit Conversions)

Wednesday:  2-7 More Estimating and Multiplying

Thursday: Harvest FUN Festival (half day)

Friday: No school


Monday: Finish collecting data on Flipper system with all variables.

Tuesday: go on the Graphing skills Gizmo on Explore Learning & watch How to make a Two Coordinate Graph video on data.

Wednesday: Finish properly plotting and graphing data on your Two Coordinate Graph.

Thursday: Harvest FUN Festival (half day)

Friday: No school

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