Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome to the Whaley/Karlonas Team! We have lots of fun planned for the class of 2027!

Good evening, 

I want to reach out and welcome each and every family to our team.  This is my 13th year teaching 5th grade at CEMS.  I enjoy teaching math/science, but I can also answer any Social Studies questions kids have, too.  I have two children; Jack (7th grade) and Emily (1st grade) and our yellow lab, Hailey, will be three next month.  We recently spent our summer's end in Cooperstown, NY watching our son play ball.  Incredible experience! Hope your summer was filled with exciting and relaxing times with family and friends. 

On this blog I will update homework, tutorial videos, helper sheets, and other useful information.  Please encourage students to check at least once a week.  

The past two days have gone by very fast! We have been VERY busy! We began the week by getting to know each other, our new routine and reviewing our school's expectations.  We played Capture the Flag as a grade and had a Friend Hunt during WIN today.  My homeroom developed an awesome list of respectful and responsible behaviors.  Students are still learning their schedules as they can be a bit confusing with the 6 day rotation.  I will share this calendar.  Please encourage them to be patient as we work out any kinks or confusion.  They have been great so far! 

There is no homework assigned this week other than to read for 20 minutes each day and finish getting school supplies.  They have more than enough to focus on during the day, so my hope is that they can rest and relax with family at home.  Next week, students should look ahead to math homework every Monday-Thursday.  Students are able to jumpstart this during WIN and ask questions, if needed.  

Please email me directly if you have any questions.

Hope your children are arriving home happy, tired and excited for the year! 

Thanks for all you do, 

~Kate Karlonas :) 

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