Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Email to the team today ;)

Happy October, Whaley/Karlonas families! 

I wanted to send out a note about a few things:  

First, students did a nice job in math today explaining three different strategies for solving area.  Please note the math assessment for unit #1 will be offered Thursday and Friday of this week.  Students may opt for additional time to prep and practice prior.  I will provide feedback on their study guide work in class tomorrow. 

In science, students are wrapping up their first investigation on Swingers.  There were three parts.  Ask them what the variables were in each part.  Which variable made a significant change in the number of cycles? Please encourage your child to continue to study and discuss independent, dependent and controlled variables.  A controlled or fair test is a standard we cover for the majority of the year in 5th grade science.  

Students are doing a nice job reflecting during our Tuesday Team Meetings.  Lots of students share what's working well and what needs to be worked on that's in our control.  These conversations will hopefully lead to more positive behaviors and academic motivation.  

Finally, the science field trip to the GMRI date has been moved.  Our team will now attend on the morning of October 24th.   This will not impact their lunch time or the dismissal time in any way.  Thank you for signing the permission slips ahead of time.  

Never hesitate to email, should you have any questions.  Thanks for all you do, 
~Kate Karlonas 

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