Friday, December 13, 2019

Week of Dec. 16-20th:


Monday: Reduce Fractions; Build It Game- together; HWSL 3-7/3-8 Due Tuesday  
Tuesday: Estimating and solving add/sub with Fractions  HW SL3-9 Due Wed. 
Wednesday: Solving/adjusting recipes; Fraction Capture HW SL 3-10 Due Thursday
Thursday: Fraction of Card Game and Unit 3 practice--- HW SL 3-13/3-14-Due Friday :) 
Friday: Unit #3 Test 12/20 POOL 10am-11am 

Monday: Mrs. Kozaka's presentation on  World Book Kids
Tuesday: Work on research and final draft of 4 spheres poster
Wednesday: Sphere's exit slip; final revisions if Poster due Th. 
Thursday: POSTER DUE TODAY! Share posters 
Friday: Share posters.  POOL 10am-11am (Karlonas homeroom) 

*Always check blog for helpful videos and links that we discuss (or don't have time to discuss) in class.  If they are on the blog, I invite students to peruse for their benefit. Thank you and Happy Holidays!*
Mrs. Karlonas

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