Friday, February 28, 2020

Are you looking for more MATH CHALLENGE??! READ ON!!

If your 5th grader is feeling driven to a more challenging math course this year and for next year, then keep reading. 
I have been collaborating with 6th grade math teacher Mr. Chase and G/T teacher Mr. Giampetruzzi.  
Here are some ways to work towards accepting math challenge: 
*Course 1 math book aligning with standards
Here is a list of topics that are covered in 6th grade which would be expected that they know to go into 7th grade. Mr. Chase 
Percent of a number 
converting mix numbers to improper fractions 
Multiplying and dividing mix numbers
Solving 1 step equations with negatives
Graphing inequalities 
Solving one step inequalities
The volume of rectangular prisms and triangular prisms
The surface area of rectangular prisms   
*Logic puzzles in maroon folder
*Murder Mystery Puzzles 
* is another resource 

 **(This may be completed during WIN, when math work is completed, or at home. )** 
Happy to keep the options open for curious students.  Because this is an option, it remains their role to seek out the specific assistance on this material if unable to achieve independently.  ALL 5th grade students will take the end of year 5th gr. Benchmark test, as one of the qualifiers for the next level. 
**ALSO, there are math GIZMOS on students can access.** 
Thank you for your support and have a wonderful weekend!

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