Sunday, April 5, 2020

New Week! Week #4 --- You are doing great! :)

Hi All, 

I have posted two assignments for math and science on Google Classroom.  All the information should be there, however, email if you have any questions. 

I would like to invite Mr. Whaley's homeroom only for a Google Meet this Wednesday at 11:00am. I will send out the link just before it begins to student emails.  Please be prepared to mute your microphone. Come prepared with a high/low tide to share; and/or with questions about either math or science poster for that morning.  I will then read aloud from our To Night Owl From Dogfish.

On Friday, I would like to invite just Karlonas to the Google Meet at 11:00am.  I am hoping with the smaller group we can have more time to connect.  

Thank you for all your patience and hard work! 

Be well, 
Mrs. Karlonas :) 

Weekly Activities/Free Choice:
  • Finish any work from the prior week. 

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