Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Good morning, Thursday, 3/26/20 :)

Hi All,

Today is the last load of activities I will post for this week.  Tomorrow, your checklist will be more simplified; finishing up work and reviewing any other resources I have provided.

Today the focus is on Metric Conversion:

Please send a FLIPGRID, if you have not already. 

 Thank you for your videos, Lila, Mar, Max, Spencer, Maisyn, Ian, Gabe, Franny, Luca, Cameron, Abdulhalim, Shyla, Eilee, Henrik, Maddie, and Gus! We may use this to respond to math or science next week. :) 

GOOGLE MEET on FRIDAY, @11:00am. RSVP to the email if you can come.
Navigation Trends: Hamburgers, Waffles and Breadcrumbs ...
  • Go to your email. 

Google Hangouts - Wikipedia
  • Go to the waffle (top corner).  
  • Select Google Meet (icon above). 
  • You will hopefully see Mrs. Karlonas in her sunroom: 
  • Select Join now.

  • Use the mic/camera if you only if you wish to speak and be seen.  Please take turns sharing and comment first and I will call on you to select your microphone to speak.  Otherwise, we can type comments or just listen quietly.

Please read this over before Friday morning - the GOOGLE MEET NORMS for CEMS students.   :) 
See you all there!
Mrs. Karlonas :)  

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