Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Happy Wednesday :)


I am happy to hear all the feedback about how you are adjusting.  I posted a new list of STEM activities and one more on Thursday.  Friday, there will be no new lessons.  I know this is VERY different from the norm... you are doing great! 

IF you don't get all the activities completed, it is OKAY.  Save it for the later or for Friday.  Please TAKE CARE OF YOU.  Go to the SELF CARE BINGO tab and remind yourself to take breaks.
We have a couple of updates in our schedule that we will roll out next Monday (hint: think less is more).  

Also, please message me by email if you would be interested and available for a GOOGLE MEET up this Friday.  I would like to read the end of the book To Night Owl from Dogfish.  Wouldn't that be great? Let me know what time works for you! 

Also, I would like you to play around with Flipgrid by the end of this week.  Here is the class code: 
Let me know how it goes.  I expect glitches or issues, so please be patient.  If it works without problems, please send a quick 1 minute video on HOW you are doing and WHAT you are doing for fun at home.   


Mrs. Karlonas :) 

If you have a question of how your student can get into Google, feel free to email the helpdesk and they will contact you directly.... Students would just go to mail.google.com, or classroom.google.com etc and sign in using firstname.lastname@capeelizabethschools.org and their email address.
*We encourage you to let the technology department know directly if the school Ipad device is compromised.*  Please reach out to: techhelp@capeelizabethschools.org to report issues, damage, etc.

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