Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16th-20th REMOTE learning opportunities :) The GOOD NEWS? No Home links!! :)

Math:  EDM4 Unit #6 Practice

Monday: --- first page on Unit #6 practice.
Lesson pages in journal 198-205
Tuesday: Line Plots-- second page of above doc.  watch videos and journal pages 206-209
Wednesday: VOLUME review.  third page of Monday's document-- unit #6 practice.  
Thursday:  Watch video on multiplying decimals journal pages 210-216
Friday: Dividing Decimals--- p. 217-221
pages 222-225 

Corresponding IXLs will be posted.  
Answer key is at the bottom to self check or have an adult check (optional).  

1 comment:

  1. HI Mrs. Karlonas. We just got back from Mexico late last night. We are trying to figure out the homework. Are there papers we were supposed to pick up? Where can she find the Unit #6 work? I'm sorry we were't around to get this right away. Thank you so very much for all your incredible work adjusting to this new way of teaching - it is truly wonderful and I can't imagine how difficult it is. Thank you for any help you can give us as far as starting off on right foot after missing last week. Thank you. Kate Anker
