Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week #3 Distance/At Home Learning---- We got this! :)

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Hi Families, 
Hope this email finds you well.  I enjoyed our Google Meet very much on Friday-- it was nice to "see" most of you! I am looking forward to this Friday; same time! I am anxious to read more about Bett and Avery. 

ABOVE is our updated schedule pushed out by administration going forward.  Expect STEM activities on Mondays and Wednesdays; email me on those days if you have questions and Google Meet on Fridays.  Hope this helps you organize your week.    BE WELL! Keep READING and getting LOTS of exercise. Mrs. Karlonas ~ :) 
Also, I am sending you the online Super Science Access code.  
Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 9.46.03 AM.png
.  You may explore the April issue which looks like this below: 
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Kate O. Karlonas
Grade Five Math/Social Studies Teacher
Cape Elizabeth Middle School 

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